God loved, God gave

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16 (ESV)
Charles Spurgeon often focused on small words that gave great meaning to various Scripture passages. In this familiar passage he spoke of the significance of the word “so.”
He said: “Pliny declares that Cicero once saw the Iliad of Homer written in so small a character that it could be contained in a nutshell. Peter Bales, a celebrated calligrapher, in the days of Queen Elizabeth, wrote the whole Bible so that it was shut up in a common walnut as its casket. In these days of advanced mechanism even greater marvels in miniature have been achieved, but never has so much meaning been compressed into so small a space as in that famous little word “so,” in the text.”
God so loved that He gave. I am thankful.


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