Fitting In?

“That which has been born out of the flesh is flesh and by nature, fleshly. And that which has been born out of the Spirit, is spirit, and by nature, spiritual.”
John 3:6 (Wuest - The New Testament: An Expanded Translation)
The flesh is flesh. Spirit is spirit. Those who are believers are not of this world and do not think like this world.
In family, finance, and life in general, believers think uniquely because they are unique.

Believers are to be holy, as God is holy. In our day, we could easily substitute the word unique for holy. Therefore, it should not be a surprise that we do not "fit in" to a Godless world, and neither should we try.
Those who are in God's family should live as if they are in God's family. There is no need for them to "fit in," agree, or promote the lifestyle of the Godless. It will always be our uniqueness that attracts people to God, not our sameness.


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