God is Fair

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16 (ESV)
"When John Williams sailed in his missionary ship, he said as he touched a shore where he had never been before, where no foot of white man had ever trod, wherever he preached for the first time he had this for his text. No text could bear him beyond this. He could stand anywhere, on any shore, and cry, "God so loved the world.""
(S. Coley)
God is the only one who is actually "fair." He treats all people the same. All have sinned, and all need Christ. This is simple to understand, simple to teach, and simple to apply.
Those who like to complicate the simple often turn into religious zealots.

When you respond to God's love, you begin to live in the context of the way life is meant to be. In that context, life has purpose, direction, and fulfillment. So, why would anyone turn down such an offer?


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