Let Us

Then I said to them, "You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned. Come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision." And I told them of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me.
Nehemiah 2:17-18 (ESV)
Successful leaders say "Let us" not "You should." Effective leaders lead by doing, not just by talking. They make disciples through lifestyle and reinforce the concept with words.
Nehemiah owned this project. He put his reputation, time, and money on the line to see this happen. He gave up a lifestyle that was rather plush to be put in a position where he would be misunderstood, sweaty, and eventually attacked by the leaders around him. He did not shy away from hard work or expect anything out of anyone that he did not first expect of himself.
Today, we often see leaders attempting to influence people by words, ad campaigns, slogans, sound bytes, and campaigns. The people's response has spoken for how effective this approach really is.



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