Practice Responsibility

And David became greater and greater, for the Lord, the God of hosts, was with him.
2 Samuel 5:10 (ESV)

The criterion for greatness concerns our proximity to God, not our position in life. Money and power are feeble compared to proper positioning, and all people, in all countries and all economic brackets, can choose to be appropriately positioned.

David, as a young man, was a shepherd. He practiced responsibility by actually watching over the sheep and protecting them from predators. When the predators were animals that could easily defeat him, he still practiced responsibility, and through that practice, he drew near to God, and his position made him a hero.

It is always easy to see how God has worked in other people's lives while ignoring that we, too, could be used by God in similar miraculous ways. We keep thinking about how grand life would be if we lived then or were those people.

Well, we're not them; we're us. We, too, can walk with God today or admire those who are or were the ones who walked with God. Our choices have consequences both today and for eternity.


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