Part of seeking God is seeking opportunities.

So David reigned over all Israel. And David administered justice and equity to all his people.
2 Samuel 8:15 (ESV)

David defeated many. Was it because David was strong, or was it because David was faithful? Was not David, the young man who was a nobody, a shepherd boy?

David was faithful as a shepherd, faithful to his father and brothers, and faithful to God. Faithfulness is something we need to practice. It starts with us keeping our word.

So often, it seems people hesitate to commit to things. It looks as if they are waiting to see if a better offer exists on the table so they will not miss out. David committed, and while others were still waiting for the best option, he found the best option was the best option.

David was in the habit of doing right, and even though there were times when he did right wrong and with intentional disobedience, he was one whose heart sought God.

Part of seeking God is seeking opportunities that are bigger than you so that you can show the world who God is. This task belongs to the faithful, and that is something we all can be.


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