Generosity does not flow out of abundance but out of the heart.

Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and said, "Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?
2 Samuel 7:18 (ESV)

God does not need me; He wants me. He needs no human to do His work, for He is quite capable without us. It is never a sacrifice to serve God; it is a privilege. Those who consider it a sacrifice have elevated themselves to be more important than they are.

I often hear of "sacrificial" giving or service, and perhaps some of that is happening. However, when someone gives from their abundance or serves when it is convenient, we can hardly call that "sacrificial."  The crumbs from a rich man's table may make a feast for the beggar, but it does not make the rich man generous, for a gift that costs one nothing is not a gift.

Generosity does not flow out of abundance but out of the heart. It is not something we are compelled to be; it is something we are privileged to be.  David understood God's generosity and appreciated the privileged position he held. It would be wise for us to do the same.


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