Normalized Sin

‘If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.’
Leviticus 20:10
This is a severe punishment. God has always considered a breach of commitment a serious problem. He calls our unfaithfulness to Him adultery. He makes it clear that we should not lie, that our "nays" should be "nays," and our "yeas," "yea."
Commitment is the key to an abundant life.  It is a commitment to God, to loving Him with all our heart, soul, and mind, and it is a commitment to others. The Bible is clear and very repetitive in this directive.
No wonder it is so hard for our people in this day and age to commit. For many, the fear of missing out is the greatest fear in their life. All things revolve around what others are doing, talking about, and feeling so they do not miss out. Facebook, Twitter, Instant Message, and the like have become addictions. We are addicted to others, events, and perceptions, and committed to ourselves.
Adultery is a severe breach in commitment, yet we have normalized it, and now it is stranger to find those who are "non-adulterers." It should not be this way, yet it is. Perhaps that is why our churches are so impotent. Maybe that is why our kids are so messed up.


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