Christian leadership often is in the crosshairs of criticism.

Then Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the entrance of the tent of meeting and fell on their faces. And the glory of the Lord appeared to them.
Numbers 20:6 ESV
Moses and Aaron got what typical ministry leaders, who are effective, get. They got blamed for the problems and forgotten when times were good. They got yelled at for the personal mistakes of the people and criticized for not helping prevent the mistakes in the first place.
Christian leadership often is in the crosshairs of criticism, yet they are the first called upon in times of crisis. This is much like our nation, which wants to kick God out of the schools and government until there is a school shooting or the Twin Towers fall. Then, instead of kicking Him out, we call all people to pray to Him. Then, as time goes on and we get involved in life, we again forget the one who gave us what we have.
Moses and Aaron did the right thing here. In a leader's life, often the only place to go is to God, for He is the only One who can and does understand.


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