
You shall therefore keep my statutes and my rules; if a person does them, he shall live by them: I am the Lord.'
Leviticus 18:5
When a person begins to understand that they need not completely understand God to obey God, they begin to understand. This command is more than just a directive for us to observe; it is the key to a meaningful life.
What is being said here is plain and simple. For those who choose to keep the statutes and rules of God, those statutes and regulations will be the cause of life, real life. Think of how consistent this message is. Jesus told us later that in Him is life. We understand that Jesus died not only to save us from Hell, but to give us life, and give us life more abundantly.
For now, the choice is yours. Listen, which means not just hear but obey, and you will see God's statutes and rules be the catalyst to life. Listen only with your ears and ignore what you hear, and you will continue to search for significance and security.


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