Same Judgement

"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”
Matthew 6:24 (ESV)

The thoughts in this passage are not difficult to understand. God made us to have one master, not many. We could be mastered by comfort, money, position, health or reputation, or we could be mastered by the Master.

Those who work for money have money master them, yet I am not suggesting that one should not work, as the Scriptures teach that if one does not work, one should not eat.

All people are responsible for working, yet God does not list minimum wages. We work because we can point to Christ in our work, and some of us will get paid poorly, while others will get a large salary. Those who get paid little should not complain, and those who get paid more than they need should be generous. Neither should work just for money.

In the end, the one who got one talent will be judged the same as the one who received ten talents. This life is about being faithful to what you are given, and everyone will be judged the same.


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