God cannot lose!

So Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and did not wholly follow the Lord, as David his father had done.
1 Kings 11:6 (ESV)

If the wisest man who ever lived can be swayed, so can I. Solomon did not do everything wrong. He did many things right. His problem was that he did not wholly follow the Lord, and there came a time when this partial obedience destroyed what could have been.

Being almost right is to be wrong. Being nearly honest is to be dishonest. Being almost sold is to not be sold. Being almost Christian is to be pagan.
Those who compromise never experience the fruit that accompanies complete dedication. The desire to compromise, to feel as if we have done enough for long enough, always puts us in a position of weakness, and it is this state for which Satan has been waiting and planning.

Those who remain dedicated to obedience to God will never lose, for God cannot lose, and there is no plan or power in the universe to win against Him



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