Choices Matter

"And he will give Israel up because of the sins of Jeroboam, which he sinned and made Israel to sin."
1 Kings 14:16 (ESV)

We do not want to believe that innocent people suffer because of another's actions, yet we can see that they do. Because God has given us a choice, which is not meaningless, our choices matter. Our choices will affect our lives and the lives of all those with whom we connect.

For some reason, we want this different. We want a system where the innocent can remain unscarred, and the individual's sin would only affect that individual. This can only happen in a world without relationships, which does not exist. Jesus made it clear in Scripture that if my actions cause a little one to stumble, and they can, it might be better to have a millstone tied around my neck and have me thrown into an abyss.

My choices affect others, and I will be accountable for how that works out. I need to live each day with this in mind.


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