Successful Leaders

I also persevered in the work on this wall, and we acquired no land, and all my servants were gathered there for the work.
Nehemiah 5:16 (ESV)
Ministry is costly. Dedication and commitment are closely related in concept. If one is truly dedicated to something, they are committed to it. This means that no matter the cost, they will see it through. Dedication and commitment are easily tested.
In our modern era, we seem to be only dedicated to ourselves. We like arrangements more than dedication and commitment, and we use the terms while ignoring the meaning. It makes us feel good when we speak of such things, and since feeling good is what seems to be the goal, we stop short of living them out because that would ruin the good feelings.
Successful leaders are dedicated to using their position, power, and personal resources for the good of the people and the mission's success. Taking from the people or making a personal gain at the expense of those we are to serve creates unhealthy environments.


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