The Temple

"But will God indeed dwell with man on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you, how much less this house that I have built! Yet have regard to the prayer of your servant and to his plea, O Lord my God, listening to the cry and to the prayer that your servant prays before you….”
2 Chronicles 6:18-19 (ESV)
Those who know and love God act as if they know and love God; however, those who act as if they know and love God may just be performing an act. The fact that God would choose to dwell in the believer is incredible.
Those who are Christians today, who have placed their trust in Christ, are the very dwelling place of God on earth. We are the place God has chosen to dwell. We need to live our lives in accordance with this reality.
Christ got rather worked up in the New Testament when the temple was misused. His disciples remembered that the Scriptures told of the "zeal" for God's house consuming Him.
Today, in this New Testament age, we are the temple or house of God, and God remains zealous.


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