
After him was Shamgar the son of Anath, who killed 600 of the Philistines with an oxgoad, and he also saved Israel.
Judges 3:31 (ESV Strong's)

"This is one of the most singular and astonishing battles in the history of the world. If Shamgar had been stationed in some Thermopylae, where the foe could only come one or two at a time it would not have been so wonderful; but he was in the open field, literally surrounded by six hundred desperadoes, bent on plunder and death. It gives us some idea of what pluck can do for a man when fired with the love of home and country." (T. Kelly)

A man and a stick armed with God's purposes and power is more powerful than 600 desperadoes. God alone determines victory. God defines victory apart from comfort, ease, and power. Victory comes to those who trust in God and position themselves so that others can see God's work clearly.

I imagine Shamgar was tired and sore after this battle. Being used by God does not ensure that we are protected from the ordinary course of human events. It means we are victorious through them.


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