Simple and Straightforward

And the Lord was with Judah, and he took possession of the hill country, but he could not drive out the inhabitants of the plain because they had chariots of iron. And Hebron was given to Caleb, as Moses had said. And he drove out from it the three sons of Anak. But the people of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites who lived in Jerusalem, so the Jebusites have lived with the people of Benjamin in Jerusalem to this day.
Judges 1:19-21 (ESV)
Partial obedience is disobedience. No matter how we justify our sin, it is still sin and will separate us from all we love and all good things. There is no such thing as almost obeying or listening.
We sin when we take the clarity of God's Word and make it foggy. In fact, when we make it more difficult than it is, we tend to make loopholes that allow us to begin to justify the very evil that God condemns.
God's ways, at times, may be difficult to understand, but His commands are simple and straightforward, and we should never blame disobedience to God on our understanding of God.


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