What is the background story?

Pilate went out again and said to them, "See, I am bringing him out to you that you may know that I find no guilt in him."
John 19:4 (ESV)
It seems odd that Pilate would turn Jesus over to the mob even though he found him not guilty. Pilate was not interested in doing what was right, but what was convenient. Doing right is costly in many ways.
We do not know all the background as to why Pilate did not want to carry out his proclamation of innocence. We are not certain of the other pressures he might have been under, or the rules and expectations of his superiors.
The background story often changes our opinion of someone's actions, yet his declaration of innocence tells us what all the facts point to. Pilate violated his conscience to appease something or someone. This is a decision we usually come to regret profoundly. We should never get to the place where we ignore our consciences and convictions, and if we walk with God, they will be good tools to guide us through life.



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