
Now the sons of Eli were worthless men. They did not know the Lord.
1 Samuel 2:12 (ESV)
Essentially, those who do not know the Lord are worthless because they can never achieve the "worth" for which God created them. The connotation here is abundantly clear. People can live meaningless, worthless lives.
This may not be politically correct, but it is accurate. Our value comes from our proximity and obedience to God, not from the fact that we breathe air, have a heartbeat and are able to walk
across a room without tripping.
A society that struggles with defining human value is ignorant of the One who created life with value. There are many worthless lives today, for there are many who know about God but do not know God. Their knowledge is similar, yet less, than Satan's knowledge of God. Their lives are similar, yet more disturbing than Satan's, in that Satan no longer has a choice, whereas we do.
Those who should have known and loved God will one day know what they missed. They will see they are worthless without Him. It does not need to end this way for anyone. For now, the choice is yours.



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