Evil Lurks

Thus the sin of the young men was very great in the sight of the Lord, for the men treated the offering of the Lord with contempt. 
1 Samuel 2:17 (ESV Strong's)

Somehow, the office they held became about them. They did not seem to honor God and serve Him. They did not appear to be concerned with the well-being of the people and were willing to
use them for personal gain.

Evil lurks in every place and every heart, waiting for an opportunity to strike. The tiniest opening will be exploited, and like frozen water on the roadway, it makes life more dangerous and expands those small openings into large cracks that eventually destroy the entire road.

There is no way to separate the official office of an individual from the character of the individual. The office will not make the man holy; God does that. Responsibility causes those with character to be responsible, and those without to make excuses. A degenerate leader is but the natural outgrowth of the degenerate person. The evil is in their moral constitution, and whatever they do will be, by nature, destructive.



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