Who Sets Our Ideals?


This week, President Obama said the following: "And the last point I just want to emphasize, as I said yesterday at the CIA when I visited, what makes America special in my view is not just our wealth and the dynamism of our economy and our extraordinary history and diversity. It's that we are willing to uphold our ideals even when they're hard. And sometimes we make mistakes because that's the nature of human enterprise. But when we do make mistakes, then we are willing to go back and correct those mistakes and keep our eye on those ideals and values that have been passed on generation to generation."

What are our ideals? Who sets the "ideal" agenda? Do our ideals include the killing of unborn babies while we condemn the torturing of the born terrorists?

If we were to dismantle the foundation of a building brick by brick, what would eventually be the end result of the building?

President Obama does not believe that the United States of America is a Christian nation, and it may not be. But if it is not, then we can expect the nation to fall, for our nation, our way of life, our liberty, and our freedoms come from the fact that the nation rests upon the foundation of Christian principles. We, like any civilization, cannot withstand the dismantling of our foundation.

Without a "plumb bob," or some accurate measuring device, there is no right and wrong, only good and bad. Truth becomes something that can be debated, and the majority or those with power can begin to believe their own lies and make decisions based on their comfort and control.

In reality, there is a right and wrong that is foundational to all successful human endeavors, and it lies outside human manipulation.

The actions and words of this president are reckless and will lead us towards a crisis that we have never seen in our history. I cannot help but think that that is exactly what this administration wants, for they firmly believe that times of crisis give great opportunity for change, and change is what this president says he is about.

Those who know our nation's history are Christians, know Scriptures, and need to stand firm.

John Jay, one of the authors of The Federalist Papers , one of the three men most responsible for the ratification of the Constitution and who was George Washington's pick to be the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (meaning he knew what The Constitution meant), said the following:

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."1

Perhaps we should take his advice in the next election cycle.

John Jay, The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay, Henry P. Johnston, ed. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1890, Vol. IV,p.393, Oct. 12, 1816


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