Christianity Unraveled

What is the foundation of Christianity? Christ.

Why does the world work? Why It there consistency in sunrises and sunsets? Christ.

Why is there food to eat, trees to provide wood for homes, and fuel to heat and provide electricity? Christ.

How did the universe come into existence? Christ.

How will it end? Christ.

I have concluded that Dave is just not that important.


Are the themes we have at church helping or hurting the cause of Christ? Are our churches about Christ or about us? Are we focused on what we focus on or what God focuses on? Could our churches' intent be the same as giving an alcoholic a bumper sticker at an AA meeting that says "I am not sober, just forgiven,"

Is the goal to be sober if you're an alcoholic, or just forgiven?

Is the goal to be "sinless" if you're a Christian, or just forgiven?

Does it matter?


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