Honest and Vulnerable

Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, "My daughter, should I not seek rest for you, that it may be well with you?”
Ruth 3:1 (ESV)
Those who genuinely love think about how they might make those around them successful. Naomi was a needy woman, and Ruth rearranged her life to care for her. Now Naomi was thinking about what she could do to help Ruth.

In the next few verses, Naomi is going to suggest that Ruth act in a way that would either destroy the opportunities she had been enjoying, or move the relationship that had been developing between Boaz and Ruth to the next level.

The suggestion will be bold and perhaps even outside Ruth's personality and normative behavior. Ruth was already demonstrating tremendous vulnerability in Boaz's fields, and Naomi would suggest that she demonstrate even more.

Ruth could have ignored Naomi's advice and focused on what her work could and would accomplish. She could have allowed her fears to guide her to remain in the safe crowd of gleaners. However, she was about to step out and be honest and vulnerable with Boaz, and her honesty and vulnerability would be rewarded.



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