Many feel worthless.

And the people came to Moses and said, "We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against you. Pray to the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us." So Moses prayed for the people.
Numbers 21:7 ESVST
Why wait until we see death and destruction to admit we have a problem? Death, destruction, hopelessness, pain, tragedy, emptiness, and more are byproducts of our sin. If we want to conquer these problems, we need to own them. When we own them, we see our helplessness and are positioned in a way that would allow God's mercy and grace to rule.
Those who love God will still experience death and destruction, but because of our Heavenly Father, we will not experience the hopeless, tragic, and worthless pain accompanying such things. The hope God gives us is not a hope that provides a "cope," but a hope that infuses life and purpose into our daily activities.
Many feel worthless, and they are. The tragedy is that they are worthless because of their choices, not by design. Your value does not come from your ability to breathe or circulate blood, but from the fact that you were created, with purpose, in the very image of God.


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