Either way, God wins!

And the people spoke against God and Moses, "Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this worthless food." Numbers 21:5 ESVST
It is so easy to profess our anger against God and our spiritual leaders when we should be confessing our sins to both.
We, as people, are probably somewhat humorous to watch from Heaven. That faithful crowd of witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 11 are probably either amused, amazed, or in tears often. Can you imagine Noah looking down on someone who was just called a name for Jesus' sake and was ready to throw in the spiritual towel over the matter? What would Daniel and the boys or Joseph be thinking about those of us who so quickly moan and groan about the things God is about to use to show us who He is?
Either way, God wins here. If the people trust Him, they will see His hand of provision. If they rebel, as they did, they will see His hand of judgment. Either way, they will see His hand.
For now, the choice is ours as to what hand we see.



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