Do our lives back what we talk about?

There is a crisis in our nation in that Christians are not acting like Christians. We seem so concentrated on being forgiven that we forget to be holy. We find causes to rally to and open our lives to scrutiny of a press that does not care about right and wrong but about their personal agenda.

Any liberal in the country would give their life for freedom of speech, yet when Miss California exercised it she became target #1. When she said she did not believe in Gay marriage and later claimed it went against what God has said and she would not go against what God has said.

That should have been enough for the media. She exercised her right as an American citizen to speak what she believed. However, we are seeing that free speech is not free.

In fact, this young woman has been taking a beating and, quite frankly, was not prepared for such an onslaught. If one is going to take a public stand then ones life will be publicly scrutinized. We do not battle flesh and blood but the prince of the power of the air and his thugs and they are good at what they do.
When the liberal press got a hold of this girl they found that she had topless pictures of her self and threatened to use them. She denied it. They proved her wrong.

The major problem here is the same problem most Christian Americans face. We talk but have little conviction to back our talk. It was obvious to the media that a Christian should not lie and pose nude and they were more than willing to point this out in order to discredit the person.

I know, we can now claim that we are not perfect, just forgiven but as we say that, as true as it is, we set the bar pretty low.

What we need to do is go back and study men like Daniel, in the Bible. The big wigs of his day wanted to destroy him, but the only problem they could find in him was that he prayed.

If I want to be used of God in a significant way today, I need to prepare by being obedient to Him in all things, by watching my life so that if I am accused of anything, it is that I love God, my wife and my children.

It is important that we who name the name of Christ be ready to stand up to scrutiny because it will come.

Live today as if your life and decisions actually matter cause you never know when you will be thrust into the limelight.

Let's live as if sin is actually bad.....

Dave Wager


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