I am Dave. He is God.

On this account, therefore, the Jews kept on seeking the more to kill Him off, because not only was He continually breaking the sabbath but also because He was saying that God was His privately owned, unique Father, a Father in a way in which no one else had Him for a Father, making himself equal with the deity.
John 5:18 (Wuest)
The truth will either destroy the lies you believe, or you will try to destroy whoever reveals the truth, thinking that, in doing so, you have restored civility. The problem with this is that might can never make right. A majority can never decide the truth. The suppression of opposing thoughts does not negate those ideas. Pretending that an idea goes away after killing the person who expresses the idea demonstrates profound ignorance and develops a culture of fear fueled by ignorance.
We have the freedom to disagree with one another and to discuss or remain silent on the issue. However, whatever we choose to do will not affect the validity of the idea, for it will remain either true or false on its own.
Jesus, being God, did not have an opinion or perspective. What He said was and is always right. Our response to Jesus speaking should be much different than our response to a person speaking.

That cannot happen if I have elevated myself to His status, which is the problem. I am Dave, and He is God. If I understand this, I can begin to understand the truth.



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