The Beginning of Failure

“O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you."
2 Chronicles 20:12 (ESV)
The powerless can rest in that being powerless unleashes the powerful on our behalf. Knowing you cannot defeat the enemy is the first step in defeating the enemy.
God fights on behalf of those who cannot. He defends the defenseless, provides for the needy, and supplies power to the powerless.
Those who try to execute judgment without Him will fail. Those who rely on their own strength, understanding, power, position, and community will be disappointed.
No matter how we get there, we need to understand that we should trust in God alone. We need his strength, provision, and guidance, not ours.
When we begin to live as if we are God and can care for ourselves, we begin to fail, and will continue to fail until we realize that our total reliance should be on Him. Everyone will get there one day, but for some, it will be too late.


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