To obey is better than sacrifice.

And Samuel said, "Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has also rejected you from being king."
1 Samuel 15:22-23 (ESV)

To obey is better than sacrifice.
To obey is better than sacrifice.

That is the principle taught throughout all of Scripture. Perhaps it's because we either do or do not do obedience, whereas the idea of sacrifice is left up to the individual.

In the United States, we sacrifice when we give up watching a football game to serve at a soup kitchen, while in other countries, sacrifice might mean not eating for days, but the idea of obedience is the same in both.

Those who do not obey God do not impress God with their sacrifices.

It's best not to try to impress anyone; instead, we should live in a way that makes an impression.


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