Educational Goofiness

Goofy is defined as crazy or silly. Sometimes I think it is the motto for our modern “scientists,” and possibly the entire educational system. 

It seems that many hesitate to “take on” the educational community because they are not adequately trained or educated, and therefore remain a silent majority who actually think that the upper educated are prudish, boring, and off base, even goofy, but will not say so or endanger being persecuted by those who will use words they cannot even understand. 

The truth of the matter is that there are many who consider themselves highly educated who seem to be rather goofy. 

For example, there are those who actually believe that this universe came into existence through millions and millions of years, and that somehow we have evolved to the state in which we now live, even though human logic and the actual evidence seems to defy such thoughts.  They must believe that rhetoric is what equals truth, instead of truth being something that stands on its own regardless of the ability of an individual to put the truth into words. 

First and foremost, we can talk logic, if there is such a thing. The computer on which I type these words is something that I have no doubt was designed by someone. I also have no doubt that it was manufactured. I have no doubt that each and every piece of this machine was meticulously watched over by some designer until the prototype was reality.  This is a computer we are talking about here, and this thing lacks the sophistication of the universe, and even the human mind. It is nothing in comparison to the enormity of the galaxies, and nobody I ever met has thought that it one day started as a blob of chips, wires, and plastic, and because of the need to change, it ended up a computer. 

I was reading about fish in a book in my local bank while waiting for someone who was making a deposit. The book showed how a fish that ate coral had, through the years, developed a jaw and teeth that suited its need to eat coral. Really? Someone believes this stuff? Does this group actually believe that a fish can desire to eat coral, and thereby develop a different jaw and teeth that could then be genetically passed on to the next generations of fish? Somebody’s rather good at telling stories to get us to believe this is even close to the truth.  I think it is goofy. 

I do believe that there have been generations of scientists who have learned and developed a body of knowledge throughout the years. What was once thought as absolute fact many years ago by respectable thinkers has been proven erroneous by those who “discovered” something different. Years ago, when my dad suffered from a heart attack, he was told to eat margarine instead of butter, and to stay away from things like coconut oil and eggs. Today we are told that the hydrogenation of the margarine causes heart problems, and that coconut oil and eggs are good for us, and those who suffer from heart problems need not avoid them.  I imagine there were many good researchers who died believing that margarine and absence from coconut oil and eggs would be helpful. They were wrong. We have learned more. Any scientist in any field can tell you the “evolution of thought” in their area, and in the wake of new discoveries, many who taught the “absolute truths” of the area they are speaking of died believing something that was not true. It seems goofy to me to trust some absolute that is not really absolute. 

The educational system is being guarded by people who know how to debate, but not necessarily by those who want to discover truth. The god of opinion has taken over the God of the universe, and a manmade belief system is based on what we want things to be, rather than how they are rules. 

I think that things are actually much simpler than those “great thinkers” portray them. In the beginning, God. Not in the beginning, Dave. In order for me to put anything into perspective, I need to start where it started, with God, and work my way towards Dave, and not begin with Dave and work my way towards God. 

I actually need to be one who embraces understanding rather than demanding to be understood. I need to position myself to discover instead of create truth. 

I have begun to believe that this group of scientists/teachers have created their own clubhouse, and have put a sign on it that states clearly that no one without the right degree will be allowed in, and no thinking other than the thinking they dictate will be acceptable. 

You might say that this is indeed what I am doing, and you might be right, except for the fact that I am not saying that Dave Wager has the right thinking, but that God does. Satan is one throughout history who wanted to elevate himself. He desired to be one who had no one else to answer to. He wanted to be the “end all” to knowledge and understanding. 

The problem with that goofy thinking was that it was and is make-believe. He was and is not the end all in thought and understanding--God is. Satan may work hard at getting us, through rhetoric, threats, ridicule, and any other means, to ignore the absoluteness of God, but in the end, he and all who listened to him will be quite regretful.

Those who want the universe to have come into existence by accident will live as accidents. They will have no real guidelines, no authority other than self, and make decisions based on fantasies rather than reality. This would be tragic for them in the end, but even more so as they persuade others to join them in such goofiness. 

Ideas do indeed have consequences, and the idea of evolution will only breed the likes of Hitler, Stalin, and others who want to and ultimately do believe that there is no one to answer to other than themselves. 

I am sure they were surprised when they had to answer the call of death.
Goofiness wrapped in educational wrapping paper is still goofiness. It’s time to start discovering truth rather than creating it, and it would be better to do so now when the discovery of truth may actually be helpful, rather than later when it will only bring regret.  

Dave Wager


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