A New Way Of Thinking? In Washington?

A Chance For Civility

Our president went to Tucson in order to represent our nation in the tragedy that unfolded there. While there he represented us well and spoke of a need for civility in government dialogue. He seemed genuine, sincere and, well, presidential.

I could not help but be a bit skeptical because I have heard these words before and have yet to see any movement in Washington that indicates that they are anything more than words. In fact, if the politicians were Christians and talking like that we would be on them for their hypocritical words and reject their form of Christianity as something that lacks authenticity.

Even though those were my immediate thoughts, I also had some other, more sane ones. I realized, that as I have prayed for this president and our leaders that God was at work even though I did not always see it. I remembered times in my life, game changing moments that changed the way I think and interact with others. I remember those hard times as being "good" now and realize that without them I would not be the person I am today. (I suspect there are more yet to come!)

With that in mind I am hoping that the tragic events that took place in our nation will be one of those events for our President. I am calling on President Obama to continue to lead us in a way where his actions authenticate his words that were spoken that memorial service. I call on him to gather those who, while he was calling for civility and a new way to do business, were raking our House Speaker over the coals for choosing not to attend the memorial service. (I have no idea why but it seems as if some did not get the memo and are still trying to not waste a "tragedy" for personal gain.) Mr. President, I urge you to gather those who were part of this and publicly reprove, rebuke and exhort them to change their ways.

I want to believe that this national tragedy will make us a better people. I want to believe that this moment in history will be a turning moment for our president in regards to authentic leadership. I still believe that people can and should be growing and changing and I am watching to see if it will happen.

There are really many tragedies that happen in our peoples lives each day. Many of them not reported. Today there will be a little girl who is abused by a trusted relative or friend. Today there will be men absorbing pornography and living to victimize our nations mothers and daughters. Today there will be self-centered greedy people using and abusing anyone and any system they can for selfish gain. Today we as a nation will see tragic results of narcissism resulting in untold hardships.

The man who pulled the trigger in Arizona did not start out his life with this goal in mind. There was a process that took place in his life and in our culture or national life that fed his fury. We, as a people who love our freedom, do not want to limit access to certain activities and therefore will face this kind of tragedy again.

Among this carnage there were also displays of tremendous heroism. Great darkness often makes whatever light is available shine brighter. There are some, who we should tip our hats too and thank for being ready and willing to act.

This tragedy, in a very weird and sorrowful way, has sparked a bit of hope. Something our president ran on. I hope that this time in history will show a nation that turns back to God because our leaders realized the utter depravity of man without God and were willing to publicly show us what repentance and restoration looks like. I would hope that we can open a national dialogue on the process of normalizing evil and the the results of the same and eventually conclude that perhaps boundaries actually produce true freedom and security and total freedom leads to a nation of self absorbed unstable citizens.

Freedom has never been free.

We will see if this historical event has any effect on our national leadership and what is important to them. Time will tell.

Dave Wager davewager.com


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