
People are committed to all sorts of things. Some good, some bad and some...well the jury would be out on.

Years ago, Bill Bright shared an excerpt written by a young Communist. It said:

"We communists have a high casualty rate. We live in virtual poverty, and turn back every penny we make above what is absolutely necessary to keep us alive. We communists don't have the time or the money for movies, concerts, or T-bone steaks or decent homes or new cars. I am in dead earnest. It is my life, my business, my religion, my sweetheart, my wife, my mistress, my bread and meat. I work at it in the daytime and dream about it a night. Its hold on me grows, not lessens, as time goes by. Therefore, I cannot carry on a friendship, a love affair, or even a conversation without relating it to this force which both drives and guides my life. I've already been in jail because of my ideas and if necessary I am ready to go before a firing squad."

It is amazing to think of such dedication for such foolishness.

Yet, it seems as if our culture is often dedicated to the unimportant. We seem to live lives that remain enslaved to the ways of this world, the ways of the Evil one while having the opportunity and invitation to live as free men in God's family.

A billion years from now I wonder what the paragraph will read about my (our) live (s). I wonder what the angels in heaven will think of us when they read it.

Dave Wager


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