The dilemma is great. The answer is obvious. The cure is undesired. The end is clear.

There is a great problem in our culture today that is not unique to the Godless. Our nation is trying to live without God. There is not room for Him in government. There is no room for Him in public. There is not room for Him if He is not one we control, so we either ignore Him or make Him up in order that we might be able to control who He is and what He is about.

The consequences of this are enormous. Without God, the only and true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, there is no reason for life, there is no “way it should be,” there is no “ethos,” no absolutes, no norms, no “as it should be.” Without God there is purposelessness. We become accidental blobs of protoplasm, we shrink in importance, and have no reason or ability to be significant. Without God there is no right and no wrong. There is only good and bad, and that scale keeps moving as it needs something to be compared to. Without God, abortion is an issue, “family” needs a new definition, and things that were once considered deviant can now be acceptable. Without God there is no real structure, no real love, no real anger, no real authority, no real plan, no real purpose, and no real people. Without God I am the only thing that ultimately matters. I could be about me and use you and justify all things in the context of my personal understandings, ideas, and desires. Without God I would be god. I would determine right and wrong and make the decisions about life and death according to my feelings, understandings, and comfort. Without God there is no real giving, care, love, concern, or compassion for anyone other than myself. Without God I must somehow figure out a way to always satisfy self, to always make sense of all things, to always make things work to my advantage, to always bend, twist, change, and distort the rules so that I get an advantage. Without God pleasure is all there is, love is a feeling, and life’s successes are measured in what brings me the most pleasure and the least pain. Without God I am no different than a wolf, rabbit, mouse, tree, cabbage plant, or amoeba.

Without God all things are random, purposeless, and meaningless. Without God we would have leaders who led from the basis of what is good for them, how to keep their power, and how to force their agenda. Without God we would be more concerned with consensus than we would be concerned with being right, for there would be no right; so consensus would rule.

Without God things would be a mess. It seems as if we as a nation want the fruit of righteousness ( good marriages, honest, hard working people, generous people, kind people, purposeful living, etc.) while trying to cut down the very tree that produces the fruit.

The answer to our nation’s problems will not and cannot be solved by Godless people. Ideas have consequences, and living in a nation that is trying to legislate from a Godless position is foolish, dangerous, and a guaranteed failure. We, as a nation, have decided that we will not and cannot have God as foundational brick to our culture. (That is not what our founding fathers believed; that is what our current leadership believes.) There is a consequence for this. There is a cure for this.

What will it be, the consequence or the cure?

In Genesis, chapter three, we are told that Satan had a dialogue with Eve. If the dialogue happened today, it might sound like this:

“ Did God actually say that you need to acknowledge Him, love Him, obey Him, and love others?”

We might answer:

“Yes, we know what God has said. He said in the beginning God, not in the beginning man. He said that we were made to love Him and to love others and that our lives were created to be purposeful, and to bring Him glory (meaning to show the world who He is by how we live).

Satan might answer:

You think so? Do you think that God really made you in order to glorify Himself? Isn’t that a little self- centered of Him? Perhaps you have not thought this thing through, or have not understood God. God knows that when you live in a way that pacifies your lusts, thoughts, cravings, and desires, your eyes will be opened, and you will be god yourself.

So….when we looked around and saw that the fruit of self-indulgence looked so good, and thought that we could relate so much better to the world around us if we fit into this world and saw what we would be missing if we really listened to God….

So….we bit. And we offered this fruit to those we loved.

Then our eyes were opened, and we realized that this decision had consequences that would be devastating. We realized that we had been had by Satan and our own godless thinking.

Satan is a liar. His ways always lead to destruction. A Godless leadership in a nation has no hope of restoring the nation. The issue is God, not abortion, budgets, or immigration. God does know what to do, but if we are not listening, we will be condemned to the consequences of our Godless thinking.

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Without God, there is no hope.

Dave Wager


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