The dilemma is great. The answer is obvious. The cure is undesired. The end is clear.
There is a great problem in our culture today that is not unique to the Godless. Our nation is trying to live without God. There is not room for Him in government. There is no room for Him in public. There is not room for Him if He is not one we control, so we either ignore Him or make Him up in order that we might be able to control who He is and what He is about. The consequences of this are enormous. Without God, the only and true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, there is no reason for life, there is no “way it should be,” there is no “ethos,” no absolutes, no norms, no “as it should be.” Without God there is purposelessness. We become accidental blobs of protoplasm, we shrink in importance, and have no reason or ability to be significant. Without God there is no right and no wrong. There is only good and bad, and that scale keeps moving as it needs something to be compared to. Without God, abortion is an issue, “family” needs a new definition, and things that were once...