My Great Fear


The fear I have is not the destruction of life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness but that, which leads to the destruction of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The fear I have is not murder, but that which leads one to murder.

The fear I have is not abortion, but that which leads to abortion.

The fear I have is not a lack of prayer in schools, but that, which has led to the lack of prayer in schools.

The fear I have is not the problem of pornography but what has led to us to allowing pornography and has led people to view such.

The fear I have is not divorce, but that which has led to divorce

The fear I have is not war, but that which has led to war

The fear I have is not violence in entertainment, but why it is that there are people viewing this violence.

The fear I have is not death but those who live as if death is not going to happen to them

The fear I have is not hell but what has led someone to choose hell over heaven.

The fear I have is not suffering a heart attack but that I will do nothing to prevent the heart attack and then blame God for my poor health.

The fear I have is not the pain that I will enviably suffer but the fact that I will not have prepared for the pain and that in my pain I would become a pain to others.

The fear I have is not that I will be poor, but that although I am rich I will remain poor.

The fear I have is not that man will annihilate man with some sort of sophisticated weaponry, but what has led man to invent such weapons of mass destructions.


I fear that since we have become a world that reacts rather than responds we have become people with misdirected fear. We must become a people who fear the poor process rather than the destructive end. The emphasis should be on our journey, not on the end in that if we are on the right path now we will end up where we should be.


God help me understand what I should fear and adjust to what is before the disaster strikes. Help me understand what I must do to avoid those disasters you have not planned for me, and be prepared for those I must go though. Help me never be the cause of a disaster that is outside your plan and realize that a disaster in my eyes that is in your plan is no disaster at all.


I must learn to fix one eye on the goal, the end and the future while keeping my other eye on the process. Should I forget one, I lose at both.


God, help me hate the wrong steps in the journey while loving the journey. God help me see the world the way you see the world and the end the way you see the end, as a great beginning.


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