Fantasy Land


Satan is the author of confusion and lies. If God is the originator of truth, Satan is the force behind fantasy.

It seems as if our nation is living in a kind of fantasy world. There are many who live with enormous amounts of debt. They live a life that cannot be supported by the "reality" of their income or status. If they "need" something and have the ability to put it on credit, they do so. Our President seems to understand this fantasy world quite well. When he came to office, he did whatever he could to make sure the source of our fantasy, money, continued to flow. In fact, he decided to bankrupt our nation and then use this bankrupt government to bail out a bankrupt baking system. For some reason there is this idea that spending more money that we do not have in order to support a lifestyle we cannot have will eventually bring about success and prosperity.

The young people who have not created this financial fantasy have been living a fantasy life of their own. Most young people today do not have a real life, but a life that is lived vicariously through various television programs, reality shows, Facebook, My Space and Twitter. Teachers and pastors have had to resort to media clips in order to make their points because the only reality our people know is reality as portrayed to them on the big screen. Oprah and Dr. Phil have become symbols of truth and give hope to millions, and the nation dreams about what it would be like to be the next American Idol.

In middle of the mess, we unexpectedly lose the king of fantasy, Michael Jackson. The media made sure we heard of nothing else and had plenty of pictures of people wailing and mourning the "king of pop." This man will be missed for all the good he has accomplished; in fact there may never be another who could sing and dance like him, and that must be what really matters.

Our nation's leaders are living frantic lives trying to keep the fantasy going, for no one wants it to die on their watch. Our young people are frantically trying to make sure they have the latest electronic devices and are Facebooking, twittering, watching movies, and cheering on American Idol so that they can feel like they have a life, like they belong.

Satan is the author of confusion. He is the author of fantasy.

God deals with truth and absolutes in the real world and universe.

Fantasies always come to an end, and in this case, there will be no "happily ever after" ending.


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