
Showing posts from 2008

Worthless Words

  When there is an abundance of anything, we begin to take our abundance for granted. If I had millions of dollars, the value of one dollar would be somewhat worthless to me. If I had storage bins of food, the idea of a single piece of chocolate would be minimized. If I have several cars, the idea of owning a car would not be that special. In our culture, we have a preponderance of words, which is making the idea of actually hearing what someone has said harder and harder. It is not that words have no value; they indeed do. It is that they have a diminished value due to the atmosphere in which we live. Today people are encouraged to give their opinions in national polls about subjects they know little to nothing about. If we check the social networking pages, we see that our friends woke up grumpy, ate oatmeal for breakfast, and are sad that it is raining outside. As we go through our day, we hear the voices of talk radio pontificating on every known subject that could be crossing the...

Be Good for Goodness Sake?

There is an agnostic or atheist group that has taken out ads on Busses in one of our major cities. The ads say, “ Why believe in God? …. Be good for goodness sake”. If this was not so pathetic it would be humorous. It became more pathetic when one of the organizers of the ads was interviewed and stated that it is a harmless ad that was intended to promote their values. Here is the problem as I see it. First of all, a lack of values is not a value. Having no God would not be a value. Having a no God mind frame would promote a “might makes right” mentality because ultimately we answer to nobody but ourselves. If indeed we answered to nobody but ourselves then we need only justify all and any actions to ourselves. This is quite easy to do. Secondly, it is impossible, without God, to know what good is. Good and bad are comparative words. In other words, they need something to compare to in order to be understood. If I said I had a good steak at the restaurant down the street...

Our taste in leadership is determined by our appetite.

I am very dissatisfied with the election outcome. I am obviously in the minority, but I do not believe that electing someone who has the ability to talk qualifies him for leadership. I am uncertain as to why a nation would embrace an individual whose greatest accomplishment to date has been a book, or books, about him. It is beyond me why we would put someone in office who approves the killing of unborn children and who would approve judges who will legislate from the bench, one who has forsaken his role as a Senator for two years in order to convince us that he needs to have the most powerful position in the world, and one who has spent approximately one-half of a billion dollars to convince us of his merits during a time when our nation is in great financial stress and danger. (We would need no convincing if he were truly qualified.) Since the United States has drifted from a republic to democracy, we have become a nation that is the path towards destruction. We are now a nation of...