Focus On The Message

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. You have done foolishly in this, for from now on you will have wars." Then Asa was angry with the seer and put him in the stocks in prison, for he was in a rage with him because of this. And Asa inflicted cruelties upon some of the people at the same time.
2 Chronicles 16:9-10 (ESV)
Hate for the messenger never really changes the message. There is probably a grain of truth in most things people say, and the wise one takes time to evaluate that grain.
Anyone who calls me a sinner is a sinner as well. Anyone who accuses me of lying has, most likely, lied themselves. Anyone who tells me I am greedy probably has been greedy themselves.
We can focus on the imperfections of the messenger, or we could focus on the message. We would be wise to be more responsive to the truth and less bothered by the messenger.


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