
There are never enough concessions to satisfy the self-centered person.
We cannot be kind enough to the one who demands kindness.
We can never be generous enough to the one who requires gifts.
Those who demand affirmation cannot be affirmed enough.
People who demand service are never satisfied with the service they receive. 
Those basking in authority and power are never satisfied with those who submit. 
The wealthy are not satisfied with their income, the comfortable are not happy with their comfort, and those who live in a land of plenty are never satisfied with the plenty. 
Our distorted view of self makes contentment available yet seldom experienced.
We will never experience peace if we constantly focus on our circumstances. Peace is only available to those who are satisfied in who they are in Christ and trust the lot He has given them. 

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33   (ESV)


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