Head In The Sand

This week there has been much talk about the new stimulus bill that our Congress passed. Some think that the contents of this bill will save our nation's economy. Others think we will sink into a "stagflation" unknown since the days of Jimmy Carter. Time will tell who is right.

There was no possible way that anyone could have read, analyzed and thought about what was voted on in the time they were given. That does not surprise me. In fact, most of our nation thinks that opinions formed on limited information, during this, the information age, is fine. People who have never read the Bible or have read it once become experts on what it says. Those who have never sat in on a foreign relations briefing become experts at foreign relations. Those who have not been successful in their own marriage or in raising children become experts in family. Members in church are asked to vote on what they think the "will" of God is for their church while never really seeking or hearing the voice of God. We live as if our opinion is what really matters and as if facts are only pertinent if they support our opinions.

Those who wrote the stimulus bill had an agenda, something in the bill that would be good for them, that needed the cover of urgency and fear to get it passed.

In our culture there is a plethora of words. So much so that words have taken on a diminished value.

I am not sure what was in this bill. I am not sure who wrote the bill. I am sure that those who voted on something this massive without discussion, debate and a complete understanding have made a mockery of the office they hold. I ask that we, as citizens of this nation, eventually vote out anyone who voted for something they did not read and understand.

The President seems to be a talker like the rest of our nation's leaders. He has talked about inclusion and about changing the way Washington works. This was a partisan bill that carried on the long tradition in Washington of operating out of a pool of ignorance.

If President Obama were a man of his word, if he actually believed in debate, bipartisan politics and transparency he would realize that this did not happen and would veto the bill until it could be read, thought about, debated and adjusted so that all involved would actually have their voices heard.

President Obama's approval rating is quite high proving once again that facts, if they get in the way of our opinions just do not matter.

It is so easy to run for president, so hard to be president. It is so easy to talk, so hard to back up your talk. His actions prove that he does not believe what he says. Therefore, he is not a man of character. If he is not a man of character, he cannot be trusted.

The Bible makes it clear that any nation whose god is not God, a nation that will not honor God by living by the foundational principles He has set forth will be destroyed. It seems as if the United States is not really "relevant" in the "end times" prophesies in the Bible. For this to happen we would need to move towards "irrelevancy" at some point.

Perhaps, with the current leadership in place and the way we conduct business, we have taken a leap in that direction….

Daniel 5:22-23 (ESV)
22 And you his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, though you knew all this,
23 but you have lifted up yourself against the Lord of heaven. And the vessels of his house have been brought in before you, and you and your lords, your wives, and your concubines have drunk wine from them. And you have praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood, and stone, which do not see or hear or know, but the God in whose hand is your breath, and whose are all your ways, you have not honored.


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